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I play this almost every day i love it i made some fanart for it too

I would love to see the art!

thanks i will gladly make it on digital and find  a way to send it to you :)

i just realized you made exhibit of sorrows your my favorite game creator !

i love all ur games !!

Incredibly engaging! Great job!


Been playing this game for about an hour and trying to get all the endings. The game feels really well made!


Oh my this game is so good! I thought it was a scary experience with evil people trying to kill me, which was good too, but this surprised me in an amazing way! Good job devs.


Dude, this is honestly one of the coolest games I've played in recent years. I'm in love with all the characters! I honestly thought it was going to be a game where "ooooh evil grandma has a diner and she chops people and bakes them into pieessss" and it was so much more than that! It reminds me a lot of Don't Escape, and this game really makes me want to pursue developing my own game. Would it be alright to make fanart of it? :)

Gladly! I'd welcome any fanart.


Wow! Very unique artstyle and awesome story. Loved it

Unique artstyle aka me using :D (barely one step above MS paint)


I just wanted to leave a comment to let you know I had a dream about this game, so props to you for making a world so interesting it shows up subconsciously!

My pleasure :D



I figured out how to bring her and Ethan just ask Edith what she thinks of him and come back to her later

It didn't work in my case. What exactly were your convo with both of them?

is there a way to bring Casper?


Also I really want to create a book for this game

That would be awesome man

he said twice

he said twice


Casper's story has finished, while everyone else's hasn't yet. He is at peace where he is.

is there a way to bring Casper?


this game is beautiful, man! obsessed with this sweet old man ghost and his wife. lovely, real characters, enjoyable story, some random guy who can detect eldritch beings when he's high, whats not to like about this game?


Dude, what if Caspar is a ghost and that's why he won't come with us? What if he's Maggie's dead husband, since he knows so much about her?


i think he is her dead husband, it'd explain how he knows abt the monster n all

that would be so cool!!!!



Good game with nice atmosphere, I like it

(2 edits) (+1)

One thing I noticed was that he said " You wouldn't talk to an ant after all. " Scared the hell out of me, also- great game! I really liked the storyline and how on ending 7 we get an epic cutscene! Seeing all the characters fully drawn in the car  all  together was really cool! Especially the old man's design. This game was really good, played it 2nd time & left a comment- would play it 7 more times, each time I play it I've prolly forgot the endings!

(1 edit)

Amazing game, reminded me 100% of the "Don't Escape" series. If that was your inspiration, nicely done, my friend. I love all your games so far.

PS: The downloadable version is missing the "Achievements" tab at the top.

(1 edit) (+5)

I need help getting ending #6. The one before the true ending in the order.

The rest I've managed them all. Here's my quick guide. If you know any better ways to do these, please share with me.

Quick solution to wires:
1 -> Red, 2 -> Blue, 3 -> Yellow, 4 -> Green, 5 -> Purple

===== ENDINGS GUIDE ======
------- SPOILERS HEAVY ---------

Ending #0 - YOU STAYED: At the end after talking to everyone and having the backroom door event done, click the main door at the right and lock it to stay in

Ending #1 - ALL ALONE: From the very beginning just click the door at the end and go alone.

Ending #2 - LOST TOGETHER: Bring at least 1 person (or animal) with you but make them be useless enough to not reach the destination.

Easiest way to do this is to not bother making friendship with anyone and once you get the door event, open it, it's a dog. Go to him, offer some food first, then pet him, then click him a third time and pick the option to bring him with you. Then proceed to leave the diner.

Ending #3 - CRASHED: Make sure to bring Bruna as she helps with the path. (gotta make a good friendship with her and later when the power is back up check station 94 or 92 for a hint on the destination then talk with her about it) but do not bring neither Juan nor Ethan, as they help you avoid the creature chasing you, it will cause you to crash and burn.

Ending #4 - BARE MINIMUM: Hear the tip on the radio about the destination (Station 94 and 92) and convince Juan to go with you. Only him. The Dog is allowed to come too.

Ending #5 - THE LAST TASTY SUPPER: Do the same instructions as the Ending #7 down there (don't forget the dog) but when talking to Maggie at the end, ACCEPT THE SANDWICHES. Caspar will be heartbroken and will move on. If you go through the backdoor and to his tombstone, it will say it's an worse state than before. Then proceed to leave. Juan will protest but be insistent and he will lose a star but still accept.

Ending #6 - ???: (The one i need help with, but apparently involves bringing Ethan, Edith, Juan and the dog.)

Ending #7 - THE BEST END: And most complicated one, lol.
My route was:
1) At the beginning talk to Ethan and Edith and on the "You shoot instead" pick the 3rd option to get 1st star with Ethan
2) Talk to Maggie, offer to help her, get 1st star with Maggie.
3) Talk to Bruna, be nice and ACCEPT the interview. 1st star with Bruna.
4) Talk to Caspar, tell you've talked to everyone, advance the plot
5) BEFORE GOING OUT to repair the generator, talk to Juan at the very right of the diner and tell him "Yeah best get ready for everything" 1st star with Juan.
6) Get the key with Maggie, go repair the generator and come back, instantly get a 2nd star with Maggie
7) Talk to Maggie, pick "Free dinner from a pretty lady", 3rd star Maggie.
8) Talk to Maggie AGAIN, pick "How'd you end up clear out here?!" then "No, I want to hear what happened", 4th star Maggie. Let her talk, then "Sounds like you really loved him", 5th star Maggie.
9) Go Talk to Edith and Ethan, pick "You're just on a bad trip", get 1st star Edith.
10) Talk to Ethan alone now, pick "What's it showing now?", 2nd star Ethan.
11) Talk to Ethan again, pick whatever option. First one gives you a jumpscare.
12) Go Talk to Juan, instantly get 2nd star. Pick whatever option.
13) Go listen to the radio, station 92 or 94, one will give you the hint to the destination.
14) Go talk to Edith, now alone. Pick "Ethan was out of line" for instant 2nd star. Then pick "What did you see him in the first place".
15) Go Talk to Bruna, get instant 2nd Star. then DO NOT PICK the "unplug" prompt. If you do, talk to her again and apologize.
16) Talk to her again after listening to the radio to talk about the destination. Pick "I think it would be safer with everything that's going on" for instant 3rd Star.
17) Backdoor event. Click the door and OPEN IT. The dog will come in and right then the window near Juan will break.
18) Go to the left, talk with the dog, give him food first, then pet him, then talk to him a third time to pick the option of bringing him with you.
19) Go to the window near Juan and make sure to help him patch it up.
20) Talk to Juan and then pick: "I'm going to leave soon" for instant 3rd star. Then pick "As many as I can" and then "They will carry their own weight" and then get a 4th star from Juan. Proceed to invite him despite saying "Hard difficulty" and he will join you. 
21) Talk to Ethan, then "What's up between you and Edith" then "That's one approach I guess"
22) Talk to him again and "You have very good hearing right" and "Tell him you're planning to leave" then ask him to come. Despite only having 2 stars he seems to accept it well.
23) Talk to Edith, invite her to come, and tell "We all need to go as one". She accepts.
24) Talk to Bruna, get her to come too, pick "Dont you want to know what's happening" -> "Dont you followers want to know what's happening" to get her 4th star. Then invite her and she will accept.
25) Talk to Caspar, he will recognize you got everyone to come except maggie.
26) Go talk to Maggie, BE CAREFUL WHEN PICKING OPTIONS HERE. Invite her to come -> "Maggie, please" -> "You dont need to be scared of leaving, you've done it before" -> "Your husband loved you, not the roadhouse" to get her 6th star. The difficulty will say impossible, but here is the trick, invite her, she will say No, and offer you sandwiches, REFUSE THE SANDWICHES.
27) This will stop her dialogue, but keep her decision hanging. Go Talk to Caspar. He will tell you to put the Radio on Station 98. It's the bold line between 96 and 100. You get an unique song to play.
28) Go talk to Maggie again. She will instantly accept, Caspar is happy and will move on. You can optionally leave through the backdoor as he goes to check his tombstone, it will say it's more upright or something.
29) Go to the door. Juan will protest as usual be he will be like "holy damn you managed to convince everyone, even the dog." And you'll all go, and this is the best ending.

(1 edit)

yo 6th one i got it its the HOPELESS: so ya you gotta make some friendships and get juan to core the way

o ya i forgor 

do not pick the destination

i think you have to choose the marksmen option instead for the first few steps

[not sure if its correct though]

For HOPELESS: I brought along Juan, and Edith. I didn't get the destination at all, because I forgot to do anything with the radio. I didn't bring the dog either because I locked the door first.

you can also get hopeless by ONLY taking Juan. no one else. just Juan. and don't hear anything on the radio, don't interact with it at all.


Mb I thought it was adayofjoy bc the website said adayofjoy. I ment mamim tsai


When I stumbled apon this game I thought it be a normal story game that would be like west of loathing...  but its more then that. this game is one of the best and beautiful game I've played. the story and lore are amazing and the gameplay also impact of what ending you will get. the horror and wholesomeness mix in so well with more emotional thoughts. The Ending Shows how dark and happily. the character has unique character personality and trait, and after all the puzzle is awesome. thank you "adayofjoy" For making this masterpiece.

Sincerely "ThePeaceSpy"


Amazing game, as usual from this creator. :) I crashed with Bruna and Edith - ending #3: crashed. Maggie stayed to see if any more customers came. Casper refused for some unknown reason. Juan refused after seeing that I was bringing two young girls along. Ethan refused after overhearing my conversation with Bruna and seeing that I didn't let in the "thing" that was scratching outside. Brilliant game.

Very great gam

great game, the best ending was very heartwarming, but I still need 2 endings. also great art!

I like this. So simple in drawing but interesting game :3  

I will agonize over getting the other endings. 

I love this game so much! I even built the diner in the sims 4 :)

I'm missing ending 2 and 3, how do i get them??

(from Alex)

ending 3, devoured, not having ethan in the party but having at least 1 more person with you grants this ending

Ending two is to exit at the start of the game

Ending #2 is exit with the dog, you can found the dog open the door with scratching noises.



Oh hi a day of joy new update and new content when? It's been 4 months since you made the bug fixes update :/

sorry if this is a spoiler but how do you convince bruna? Ive gotten everyone except her ;_;


nvm got it :3

Ive gotten endings: -1#, 1#, 6#, 5#, and #4. I may have gotten others, i cant remember. Also i love the art style!

Hey, great game by the way. Oh also, for me it won't let me refuse the sandwiches. The only options are take the sandwiches or "but if you stay here you'll die!" I did get ending 5 from taking the sandwiches, but I still want Maggie to come. I've seen other game plays refusing the sandwiches but its not an option when I play. Is it a bug? Or is it just because I've said slightly different things?

I'm guessing you have to get her up to 6 stars to refuse them, and probably talk to Casper before you talk to her


Sad about Casper :(

Also the entity kinda looks like a squid is that just me


the 7 ending got me crying fr

rip (spoiler i will not tell who


that good game and i got 5 Ending.


I got all of the endings the game is great. the story telling is fantastic. and I love how Casper tells you everything you need to do to achieve the best ending to the game.


 i once got casper to stand up and get to the backdoor

if u then get a sandwich and leave u will get the last supper ending 4#

Beware the temptation of the sandwich.

i realy thought i was going to escape then

Isnt it ending 5# last supper?

No 4 is the last supper

Ohhh  ok. I thought ending 4 was bare minimum 😅


so far i only got ending 2 and 6

How many endings are there? I got to about 3.


(2 edits) (+3)

Beautiful and longing game, I loved it! Even the music fits this feeling. A sweet apocalypse with stickman characters, simple graphics and a mysterious setting. You created characters with their personality and story background with no effort in a short game, which is a trait I admire. I loved the story of the diner's owner and her husband. 

BTW, the downloadable version has a bug. Ending 7 never pops up, it keeps giving Ending 4 instead. Even if I never got mention of Hope Springs. The online version is fine, though.


Oops, the downloadable version was out of date. Got it updated to the latest version.


It looks simple, but it has a really good plot! I love it 


I saw this on a whim and the title got me. Tried it out and I loved it. Still trying to get the other endings though. Also, I thought maybe that thing was a big alien but my gut was telling me that it's one of those eldritch horrors and yes my gut was right lol (I didn't look at the tags until after playing). It's short but pretty good.


Really good, if you wanna play something for 10-15 minutes i'd reccomen

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